
Among arthropods, a sting or stinger is a sharp organ,
often connected with a venom
gland and adapted to inflict a wound by piercing,
Roften connected with a venom gland
and adapted to inflict a wound by piercing,
as with the caudal sting of a scorpion.

<types of stingers>

Animals with stings include bees, wasps (including hornets) and scorpions,
as well as a single beetle species (Onychocerus albitarsis) that can deliver a venomous sting from its antennae,
whose terminal segments have evolved to resemble a scorpion's tail.



The bee's stinger is an ovipositor. The ovipositor is part of the female bee's reproductive system. The queen bee lays eggs through her ovipositor but can also sting with it. Female worker bees are sterile and do not lay eggs.



corpions can sting repeatedly but must have time to replenish their venom. The curved scorpion stinger is found at the end of a scorpion's arched tail, and is used to paralyze and kill any of a scorpion's prey, such as insects and spiders.


mauve stringers

The mauve stinger is a small jellyfish, but it certainly packs a powerful punch, with long tentacles and warty structures on its ‘bell’ full of stinging cells. Small crustaceans known as amphipods hang out inside the ring of tentacles and are able to survive unharmed.



The Spider Queen's Stinger is a Bow crafted with Arachne resources. Its Arrows have an aura around them dealing damage to nearby Enemies based on Strength.


wasp venom

A modern parasitic cotesia wasp lays its eggs inside a caterpillar after giving it a paralyzing taste of its stinger. In this, the cotesia wasp behaves much like the Jurassic ancestors of all bees and wasps.



Almost all snakes are covered in scales and as reptiles, they’re cold blooded and must regulate their body temperature externally. Scales serve several purposes: They trap moisture in arid .